Common RegEx for Google Analytics

Regular Expressions (RegEx) = characters used to define a search pattern RegEx seems like a massive headache once you start expanding beyond standard pipe (|) usage. But if you learn a just a few more basic characters, you can create more specific filters in GA, and also use them to define filters in DashThis instead …

Google Analytics – Bot Traffic in Network Report

Jeff identified junk traffic in Analytics for LCS. All (direct) traffic from Boardman, OR. Boardman, OR and Ashburn, VA are data center hubs, and increases in (direct) traffic from these cities signal that a site is getting hit with bot traffic. Instead of filtering out the cities from GA, use the Audience > Technology > …

Google Analytics – Exclude URL Query Parameters

FCL was running a massive promotion of Penn State Nike shoes in July. PIC set up a few Facebook ads linking to the product. When reviewing the metrics in GA’s Landing Page report, separate landing pages were registering for users due to Facebook attaching the ?fbclid parameter onto the ends of URLs. To cleanup the …