HubSpot Forms – Always Create Contact for New Email Address

This is a new option when creating forms that will help maintain data accuracy. The problem: Prospect fills out a form for a webinar. Prospect decides their colleague should also go to the webinar. Prospect fills out the form again and overwrites their contact data in HubSpot. In the past, you needed to either turn …

HubSpot – Blocking Known Spam From Submitting Website Forms

@gmail and @msn and other freemail addresses could be high-level prospects in disguise. Blocking specific domains rather than blocking all freemail will ensure you’re getting forms from valid contacts. How to block specific domains from submitting forms: Go to the email section of the form or pop-up form (Figure 2) Enter the spam domain name …

API per membership

HubSpot API Clients

HubSpot API Clients HubDb Client Add the client to your page: `<script src=”/hs/hsstatic/ClientSupport/static-1.9/js/HubDbClient.js”/>` Functions: `window.hubdbClient.getTable(portalId, tableId, callback)` `window.hubdbClient.getRow(portalId, tableId, rowId, callback)` `window.hubdbClient.listRows(portalId, tableId, queryString, callback)` `callback` is a function that is called with the result object. Example: ` function test(result) {         console.log(result); } window.hubdbClient.getTable(123, 456, test); ` Search Client Add the client to your page: …

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