Snapchat: Product Catalog Ads – Part 2

Category : Knowledge Share

For the past 2+ weeks, we’ve started running product remarketing ads on Snapchat for Lion’s Pride. We wanted to get a feel for how these types of ads would perform now, so that we can run them more effectively and efficiently during the football season.

Check out part one, here!

Our audience is anyone who has viewed a product page within the past 14 days. The ads are created dynamically based on the products they’ve viewed. Our budget is set to $10/day for this experiment.

This campaign has been successful so far! There has been 88 “swipe ups” which resulted in 8 purchases for a total of $584.80. One downside with this campaign is our audience size. Currently, our ad frequency is high after only running this for 2 weeks.

We are reducing the budget to $5/day for July. At the beginning of August, we will be adding in a targeting ad set to this campaign. We are able to target people based on their demographics and interests.