Traffic Campaign Strategy: Facebook and LinkedIn

Category : Facebook

We want to use social media to drive website traffic! The goal is to drive the most traffic within our budget. Previous strategy included targeted ad campaigns and boosting.

We switched to a new strategy that replaced boosting with using an ongoing ad campaign and regularly pausing and starting existing recent posts as ad creative. This allows Facebook and LinkedIn to better optimize delivery over time.

A highlight of this strategy’s use can be seen with BC Artman Facebook posts for available properties. These posts went from around $1.00 per Landing Page View to an average of $0.05 per LPV. A $5.00 per day budget recorded 3,268 LPV in July. Another fantastic result with this strategy came from St. Mary’s Carbon. The Cost Per Click with this client’s LinkedIn went from $5.00+ to an average of $1.27 per click.

This traffic campaign strategy takes less time than boosting, allowing for more variety in message and multiple audience targets!