Welcome Series Automation

Category : Knowledge Share

A Welcome Series is not a new or groundbreaking concept but it’s still something that proves to be incredibly useful for clients.

Why Use a Welcome Series?
You can strike while the iron is hot. You know the contact is interested, so you can capitalize with automation. After Abandoned Cart emails, Welcome Series are the most effective at generating revenue for e-commerce. These emails are earners. Additionally, a Welcome Series yields an average of 51% more revenue than a single welcome email. Knowing these things, it’s the ideal situation for sharing your business, services, or products with leads. It’s not just a greeting or a thank you.

Use a Welcome Series to Create Targeted Content
Since you can expect higher engagement from a Welcome Series, you can use it to learn about your audience or even create segments. As an example of usage with Lion Country Supply, we are asking contacts to select their interests and then funneling them toward more relevant content. Anyone who selects “Dog Training” in this scenario will receive welcome emails with a dog training slant.

General Welcome Series Outline
The number of emails you send will depend on your business and industry. Anywhere between 3 and 6 emails is recommended. Email 1: Thank you / Gentle Push > Email 2: About / Offer > Email 3: Solve a Problem / Testimonial > Email 4: Further Reading / Special Offer

