Steps required for adding sites to AWS

Step 1 : Sign in to the AWS Management and open the Amazon S3 -> Step 2 : Click on Create bucket. In the Bucket name field, type a unique name for your new bucket. *The name must be unique across all existing bucket names in Amazon S3. For Region, choose the Region where …

Set default AWS S3 Permissions to Public

By default the upload permissions for AWS S3 is private. This means that when you FTP Data onto S3, it is private and not accessible via a URL. Credit to this fix goes to: Tiffany Brown Go to the Bucket Permissions tag. Click, “Bucket Policy” Paste the following code and click save. { “Version”: “2012-10-17”, “Statement”: …

How to setup AWS S3 bucket to be accessed through subdomains with Cloudflare DNS.

The client wanted to create a file server for training documents including MP4, PDF, PPT, WMV, etc. that was accessible through different subdomains. DNS managed through Cloudflare. In Amazon’s S3 dashboard, create a bucket that matches the subdomain you want to use. For example, subdomain would need a matching bucket, Make sure the …