PIC & Harvest

Category : Knowledge Share

Why does time tracking matter to PIC-sters? PIC must know our project costs!

Expenses for PIC as a company are primarily held in our PIC Team time and labor:

And the way we translate that into client costs directly relates to effective hourly rate by customer review. This tells us where our time is being spent and whether we need to adjust our team focus.

Guiding Principles of Your Time Tracking

  1. Always be tracking as you work
  2. Review your timesheet at the end of your day
  3. Review your timesheet weekly
  4. You should be able to know exactly what you worked on based on the project task and notes in Harvest / Asana
  5. Open & honest – some days or weeks are going to be “more productive” than others!
  6. We are not asking anything of you the partnership doesn’t do ourselves

How PIC Partners Use Harvest Data

  1. Client and project profitability & scope
  2. Work life balance & capacity
  3. Determine why people are late on tasks
  4. Productivity & efficiency
  5. Comparison of similar roles for efficiency
  6. Determine the impact of PIC initiatives (i.e. EOS, internal cadences)
  7. Performance reviews

PIC expects natural fluctuations in your work week for salary or fixed rate PIC-sters:

To help with PIC-ster accuracy in Harvest, we have a Harvest Cheat Sheet in process to break down what activity applies to which Client selection and Task selection.