HubSpot Data Post-Send Bounce Email Audit

Category : Hubspot

A large amount of time, energy and effort are put into a marketing email. Once it is sent out and the performance data starts to come in, it is a good practice while checking this data, to perform a bounced email audit.

  1. Go to Marketing > Email.
  2. Click Sent then the name of the email
  3. Click Recipients > Bounced. Click > to check the bounce reason (there is an opportunity to unbounce here). This will help you comb through a smaller, more manageable list to find contacts that may need to be updated or unbounced. Only unbounce the contact if you can confirm the contact’s email is 100% valid.
  4. In the Top right side, click List Actions
    • Create a new list: Create a new list that the client can review quarterly for data clean up.
    • Add to existing List: Add to existing “to be reviewed” list.
    • Export recipients List: Export the list for opt-out.

Bounces are associated with email addresses and not the contact. The bounces associated with the old address will not carry over.

Performing these smaller audits over time rather than all at once will improve efficiency and help avoid a HubSpot email suspension.


To quickly generate a hard bounce list:

  1. In the main navigation, go to Marketing > Email
  2. In the left menu, click More tools
  3. Select Create list of hard bounced contacts
  4. If desired, remove hard bounce reasons.
  5. Define the time period.
  6. Click Create List
