Abandoned Cart Improvements

Category : Knowledge Share

Recently, Mike was asked to review Rock-N-Rescue & Rock-N-Arbor’s abandoned cart workflow to identify ways to increase conversions. Although we haven’t yet received approval to implement any of these suggestions, these are some of the things we should consider for any eCommerce client.

According to Shopify, the leading cause for cart abandonment during checkout is “extra costs too high” (55% of responders).

Additionally, free delivery (53%) and coupons/discounts (41%) are the incentives that drive the most purchases among online shoppers. So we want to highlight free delivery where possible and offer discounts/coupons in certain situations.

With HubSpot, both of these things can easily be accomplished with smart content.

In HubSpot, discounts/coupons can easily be added to an abandoned cart workflow without needing to create any additional emails or workflows. All we need to do is modify the existing abandoned cart emails. We accomplish this by creating a list of contacts active in the abandoned cart workflow that have a cart total value that’s greater than or equal to the desired amount.

We then add smart rules to the abandoned cart emails for any contacts meeting these requirements. Of course, we can base discounts off of properties other than cart value. I’m just using cart value as an example. If a customer’s cart meets the requirements, smart content will ensure the email’s subject line and body reference a discount.

For HubSpot clients that offer free shipping with a minimum purchase amount (e.g. $100+), we can make our abandoned cart emails more effective by using smart content to let customers know how close they are to free shipping.

If they are below the $100 threshold, we can display a message letting them know they are close to getting free shipping. We could then link back to the website – perhaps to a sale/clearance page – to encourage them to add an additional item to their cart.

To make this as effective as possible, we can also show the customer how close they are to receiving free shipping by creating a custom property that is an equation. If free shipping starts at $100 and their total order value is $87, this property will display $13 as the amount they need to spend to get free shipping.